Examples of Work

 Advisory & Training, Software Projects and Thought Leadership




 Advisory & Training

Commercial deployments

For portfolio of work directly through other companies, see also www.karencham.com

2020 Social Media Giant : Trust & Security Advisory

Contributed to the deliverables for WhatIf! Accenture on a project for a significant global social media giant.

Working with the Privacy & Trust team, ?WhatIf! aimed to embed foresight and innovation into the organisation with regards responsibility for interventions in next generation online harm.

Expertise  and guidance included but was not limited to multiplatform image feeds and computer vision, immersive environments, emotional and behavioural computing, likely policy changes and regulatory futures.

2020 DX Leadership : Corporate Away Day

How to lead a human centred design pivot at scale towards an agile organisation in a scalable and future proof way. Horizon scan of new technologies such as Internet of Things and digital twins for smart homes and likely impacts upon utilities service and customer expectations; new business opportunites and risks. The need for organisations to pivot and the need for inbuilt agility. Who knows best when it comes to the digital transformation of organisations ? Those delivering the current service. The use of ‘lighthouse’ – small scale big picture – projects (KPMG) Correctly termed ‘hypersimplex’, they should be projects that reflect all the nested complexities of the transformation issue at scale in order to enable a fail fast and fail often approach to change and generate transferable insights. Ideally then built as APIs for an event driven automated data migration.

2019 Industry Training : RhizoMetrics Workshop

Cognitive Computing’ describes a computer system based upon cognitive models to mimic human thought processes. They often include machine learning, deep learning, neural networks, NLP and/or sentiment analysis. Cognitive UXD is designing User Experiences that account for, integrate and co-evolve cognitive states, and the models themselves, in a human-machine singularity. Join  this training course to learn how to design for Cognitive UXD to nudge neural plasticities e.g. intervene in smoking addiction; engineer critical thinking and provided mental health monitoring. Finally, understand what this method enables for behavioural design in 5G products and services

Software Design & Build

Commercial deployments

2021 Surgery eTraining XR

Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis natus error sit voluptatem audan. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis natus error sit voluptatem audan.

2018 eCoaching App

Amplify Life : required an holistic health experience for fitness, sleep, well being and nutrition integrating market wearbles. We delivered a personalised, gamified data driven App, with an AI coach based on sporting legends, elite athletes, coaches, nutritionists and healthcare professionals integrating  genetic algorithms created by Andrew Lea


2017 ePerformance API

An HR project with Lara Plaxton of FDM Group who train and place IT graduates into large coporates, we looked at how to at how to turn every trainee into a brand ambassador with a view to generating repeat business.

We addressed the trainee experience by leveraging the Employee Experience (EX) towards human cenred data driven organisation. 

Designed as a psychometric API to integrate intranet keystrokes and SAP Success Factors, the full scale of the ambition would require a branded User Experience to cover all touchppoints for all stakeholders.

2016 eLeadership API

 Focus on Talent (part of the JMG Group) Digital transformation of evaluation and assessment tools to scale up delivering organisational culture change and L&T management globally, in particular culture change for Govt of UAE.

Designed as an API to embed in enterprise software, the tool automatically matched employee behaviours againts organisational aims in realtime with a view to optimising perofmance and managing leadership and talent pipelines.


2015 eLearning MOOC

Digital transformation of the findings of  an international research project across the UK, US and Australia into critical thinking and learning.’Critica’ was designed to engineer learning by pushing users through a critical thinking user experience.

Applying a cognitive model in the development cycle, and using biometric optimisation to integrate behavioural mechanics, this was the first commercial application of RhizoMetrics TM



Thought Leadership

Industry Keynotes, Presentations & Talks

2021 "5G Enabled Mobile AI and Human Centred Edge Services", 5G Global, Frankfurt, Germany

If 5G enabled Mobile Edge Computing faciliates an exponential growth in interactivity – enabling the much vaunted smart homes, smart cities, autonomous vehciles and the like – where is the User in this dialogue ?

Even in remote stations – for example the robots that went to Mars – there are human beings as stakeholders in the computational ecosystem. What happens if the eponymous fridge that orders my milk is as stupid as autocorrect is on my phone ? How do we design for three dimensions of so interactivity ? What happens to human factors, service design, eCommerce ? The ideology, privacy and ethics of future societies ?

Professor Karen Cham unpacks what this needs to look like as the digital transformation of telecoms leads to the full stack digital transformation of society”


2020 "DX of a Pandemic : a Playbook 101", Health Systems and Public Health in Pandemics

Institute of Engineering & Technology “Appropriate Healthcare Technologies” Conference 2020. This presentation presents a number of Case Studies of key Covid19 smart phone Apps, all of which reached the UK public domain in some form during lockdown in Spring 2020. It summarises what the failures were in each case, why they occurred and then outlines how such ambitious interventions should have actually been designed and deployed from an expert practitioners’ point of view. This anchors on avoiding disruption and harnessing transformation to create behaviour change. To do this, one must adopt a user centred design approach to defining the problem, the stakeholders and the context; implement accurate scenario mapping; develop and testing prototypes with the real user groups in real scenarios and integrate machine learning to deliver automated actionable insights into user behaviour that accelerate the social change one is hoping to see.

2020 “Think Digital : the Future of Retail”, Industry Briefing

Disruption, from first-gen Limewire, who created new ways to distribute digital signals, to third gen Uber who changed social interactions, often has unpredictable outcomes. Retail brands have failed when moving from bricks to clicks, yet there are many opportunities for them to innovate easily by thinking digitally. Brands need to understand their value proposition as a combination of customer experience, brand values and product and how they can migrate this value chain into the digital domain. Brands like Star Wars and artists like Travis Scott have recognised the potential of hosting in-game events to generate levels of engagement that are unprecedented in the real world. There are clear opportunities for retail to use their brands as a social anchor and leverage existing game economies – what is Black Friday after all, other than an extrinsic, massive multiplayer roleplayer game?

2019 “5G Cognitive UXD”, Intelligent Operations for a 5G World, TM Forum, Nice, France

5G MEC accelerates a new dimension of end user services across numerous verticals for the next generation of service providers. What do these services look like ? How will providers attract and keep a customer base ? Where are the value chains ? What about policy & ethics ? Professor Karen Cham unpacks her work for the University of Brighton on the Digital Catapult Centre Brighton and the 5G Brighton testbed, the UKs first 5G testbed located outside of a University aimed at SME innovators and a named part of the UK Govts 5G Strategy for key reasons. Looking at Retail, Healthcare, Entertainment and Enterprise, she sets out why SMEs are being asked to iterate the testbed and how Telcos that master human centred networks and data driven transformation will become the 5G equivalent of Google, FaceBook & Amazon.

2019 “UXD 4.0: Designing the Human Experience of Data Rich Complexity in Pervasive XR”, Keynote, UX Insight, Utrecht Holland

The 4th Industrial Revolution requires businesses to understand and harness automation, machine learning, artificial intelligence, virtualization and cloud computing, with 5G enabling a convergence of untethered AR/VR, IoT and real-time localised cloud processing in ‘the FOG’. This generates a pervasive X-Reality data-rich environment that at the moment doesn’t account for end-user experience at all. As in any human/machine convergence, without quantifiable insights into end-user engagement in the development cycle and/or embedded in the design of any back end, undesirable personal and social outcomes will emerge, unethical practices will take hold and many products, services and business will fail. And they say UXD is over? We have only just begun…

2018 CreaTech; DIT Trade Mission to Mumbai, Hyderabad and Bangalore India

Lead by Baroness Rona Fairhead, one of a handfull of companies alongside Jaguar Landrover and NHS Digital Week long tour of Mumbai, Hyderabad and Bangalore as part of Gaming & Immersive part of the Britain is Great export strategy.

“Technology-driven innovation is changing the face of industry across the world. This Summit will celebrate and explore the convergence of creativity and technology – Createch – and how it’s enabling the creation of new value-added products, services and experiences.

There has never been a better time to capitalise on opportunities in tech innovation and creativity in India and the UK. With the sharing of ideas, technologies and opportunities, the Createch Summit will provide you with the right platform for effective collaboration and growth.”

2018 "Game Your Brain", Rising Minds, Whatif! Innovation, Accenture London

The world is experiencing a merging of media and minds that we haven’t yet created a vocabulary for. We know that user experience design has the power to respond to what algorithms deem “suitable” to us, but have we understood that this changes the way our brains work in symbiosis with our machines? What if we could understand these changing neurological dynamics as Cognitive or Rich UX as the starting point for our designs to purposely deliver desirable human outcomes? From using design to combat smoking addiction to nudging concept recognition and formation for autistic users through designed media content to navigation by instinct in immersive environments, Professor Karen Pollitt Cham is exploring all this with her work.

2018 "Emotional UX and designing for PET (persuasion, emotion & trust)" UX Professionals Assoc. London

“Dark UX’ UX Professionals Association -UK event, curated by our Vice President, Kristine Pitts and our UK Liaison, Anthony Hobday and hosted by Foolproof. What are dark ux patterns? Why do companies use them? What is currently possible in terms of designing for persuation? How do we design for emotion and trust? Where are the lines? What ethical considerations might there be?  Professor Karen Cham will share some of her research and explains how quantifying emotional engagement, nudge, persuasion and coercion may provide as many benefits as it does concerns.

2017 “Models from Complexity Science”, Designing for Complexity, UX Brighton

In popular dialogues, describing a system as “complex” is often the point of resignation, inferring that the system cannot be sufficiently described, predicted nor managed. Scientific dialogues, however, have explored the collective behaviours of complexity to formally define a complex system. This presentation will introduce generic principles from complex systems science and unpack how and why they can be applied to user experience design

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